Condition Based Maintenance+

CBM+ is maintenance performed on evidence of need, integrating reliability centered maintenance (RCM) analysis with additional processes, predictive technologies, and analytical capabilities that enhance the readiness and maintenance effectiveness of systems and components. 

This predictive maintenance philosophy contrasts with earlier ideologies, such as corrective maintenance — in which action is taken after a component or system fails — and preventive maintenance — which is based on event or time milestones. Each involves a cost and performance tradeoff. Corrective maintenance incurs low maintenance cost (minimal preventative actions), but high performance costs caused by operational failures. Conversely, preventative maintenance produces low operational costs, but greater maintenance department costs. The result is the additional hidden cost associated with disposing of components that still retain significant remaining useful life. Such early retirements also drive more demand for spares and higher procurement costs over the life cycle.

CBM+ uses a systems engineering approach to collect data, enable analysis, and support the decision-making processes for operations, maintenance, logistics, and overall sustainability.

PHM Design specializes in helping to implement and improve CBM+ systems and the associated predictive analytics.

You can see and download some of Carl Byington’s collected works.